AGE: 18 months. How are you possibly a year and a half old already?!?
STATS: 23.6 lbs and 34.5 inches. Between the 25th-50th percentile for weight and above the 95th percentile for height. You are really tall and losing your baby chub!
WEARING: Size 4 diapers, size 5 shoes, and 12-18 month and 18-24 month clothing.
MILESTONES: You are talking so much more!
TOOTH COUNT: 16 and working on your 2 year molars!
COMFORTS: Sucking your thumb and twirling your earrings while sucking your thumb.
FIRSTS: All of your "firsts" are pretty much over. That makes me sad!
EATING: 3 meals and 3 snacks a day.
FAVORITE FOODS: Olives, blueberries, tomato soup, spaghetti, and alfredo.
SLEEPING: 12+ hours of sleep every night along with a 2-3 hour nap every afternoon. You rock it in the sleep department!
WORDS/SOUNDS: A few of your new words this month: Peek, Boo-boo, Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Cheeks, Ears, Hair, Belly Button (your favorite word!), Teeth, and Owww. Most used phrase: "Where'd it go?" Most used word: Yeah.
LIKES: Climbing on everything, pulling out all the baby wipes, taking baths, playing on the sun porch, searching for Vaseline to smear on things, and reading your books.
FAVORITE TOYS: Your books (especially Miss Spider's ABCs), your Furby, your dolls, and your doll stroller.
DISLIKES: Getting your diaper changed, getting dressed, being told no, and getting your face and hands wiped.
NICKNAMES: Lily, Lilybug, Bugs, Bugaboo, Boo, Bugsies, and Lily Belle.
PERSONALITY: You are the sweetest little snugglebug. You love to cuddle, often for up to an hour at a time! You have a very outgoing personality. When we are out running errands, you smile and say, "Hi-eee!" to everybody that passes us. You adapt easily to any situation. I have never hesitated to take you anywhere. You do have a mischievous streak! You love to climb on everything and get into things. You are a little ham and you use your big grin to charm people! It's difficult to resist that smile!
Such a sweet girl. Love her
ReplyDeleteShe's so adorable, I'm sure she doesn't have to work hard to charm folks!
ReplyDeleteShe's actually starting to look like a toddler! Wow!
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe she is 18 months old already! It seems like I was just reading the posts about how sick you were while pregnant and now she's 1.5!!! She's gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteAdorable! How in the world did you get her to sit still, look at the camera & smile ALL at the same time? I must know your secret!
ReplyDeleteShe totally looks like a talker, I am sure she has lots to say!
ReplyDeleteThose are just the most adorable photos ever!! She's got a smile that would melt anyone's heart. With so much charm and energy, it sounds like you do have your hands full. Still, I have to say, it sounds like she's a great sleeper. (I can never get my little boy to sleep for more than 9 hours at a time...not even when he was little...) Happy 18 months!
ReplyDeleteThat smile is too sweet! Happy 18 months Lily!
ReplyDeleteShe's looking so much like a big girl now! :)
ReplyDeleteShe is adorable! Those blue eyes are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteSuch a big girl. She is a doll.
ReplyDeleteshe is SO cute!
ReplyDeleteprecious girl!!! I have to steal this and do it for Jameson. I'm so bad about milestone updating!!
ReplyDeleteso adorable!!! geeshh its been 18months?!
ReplyDeleteIt's a wonderful age!! :-)
ReplyDeleteA-dor-a-ble! I *love* watching them grow!!