Our Five Ring Circus: The Cure for Cabin Fever

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Cure for Cabin Fever

We have reached that part of winter where the weather is just getting old.  We need sun and warmth and fresh air!  We are all starting to feel cooped up indoors.

Today, Dylan had his Valentine's Day party at school.  I was one of the parents in charge of the party.  I had high hopes to take pictures of the festivities, but wrangling a classroom full of excited 2nd graders at the end of the day is HARD work!

Dylan had a great time and was thrilled that I was there, so that's all that matters. A picture of him, after the party, with his Valentine's Day box filled with treats is the only documentation we have.


Dylan was allowed to leave school with me, which meant he was able to leave a half hour early.  On the way to pick up his sisters, he suggested a trip to the park.  I agreed that it was a good idea!

So off we went, despite the gray sky and 30 degree weather.

The kids just wanted...and needed...to run and play!  And despite a small incident of Lexie falling down a dirt pile, they had a great time!


They happily played until the sky opened up and dropped gigantic snowflakes on our heads.


A trip to the park was just what they needed!

Come on, Spring!  We're ready for you!


  1. Cute box! The cupcake liner eyes are adorable!

  2. That snow fall definitely just came out of nowhere! Im hoping to get out tomorrow for a bit, even if its just to Target or the mall!

  3. What a great idea! We are going crazy here too, between the weather and the germs keeping us stuck in our house! Glad they had fun :)

  4. What a cute box! I'm with you on the Spring comment.. it can seriously come any day now! I will seriously be SO happy when I can throw open my windows and let in some fresh air!

  5. Bring on sunshine & warm weather!!
    What kind of camera do you use?

  6. How cute! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

  7. His box turned out so cute! Don't you love the cupcake liner eyes?!? I'm glad the weather was good enough for a park day. We have been waiting for winter to get here...and it's still hasn't come:)

  8. That is so wonderful you got outside! What a blizzard! I am so ready for spring and being able to get to the playground every day and to go to the beach. Great pictures! Hope all is well!

    Mama Hen

  9. Oh and I wanted to say what a great creative box! :) Well done!

  10. I love the great day at the park! As you know I don't let weather stop me! Winter is flying by to me but I'm definitely ready for improvements in the weather! Every taste of a warmer day feels so good!


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