Our Five Ring Circus: Most Exciting Week Ever!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Most Exciting Week Ever!

Lexie in the midst of her most exciting week ever!  On Monday, she started Kindergarten.  On Wednesday, she started gymnastics.  Today, she lost her first tooth!!!


This morning, her tooth was literally hanging on by a thread.  She didn't want it pulled out, which was fine with me, because loose teeth gross me out!  I sent her to school with a bag, a washcloth, and a bottle of water, knowing that she was most likely going to lose it in school. 

Sure enough, she raced to the car after school, grinning at me, and shrieking, "I lost my tooth!  I lost my tooth!!!" 


She said that she lost it during story time.  She was too shy to raise her hand and tell her teacher while he was in the middle of reading, so she held it in her mouth for a few minutes until her teacher finished. Then, she raised her hand, and told him that she lost her tooth.  Classic Lexie!  

All of her classmates apparently thought it was the coolest thing ever and crowded around her!

Lexie was so excited and so proud of her missing tooth.  She says she looks just like a pumpkin and thinks it's cool that she can stick her tongue through the hole!

She is now in bed, eagerly awaiting her first visit from the tooth fairy!



  1. That is an exciting week for Lexie! A lot of firsts.

  2. It is so sweet that she waited patiently to tell her teacher. What a little sweetie!

  3. She's super cute with a missing tooth :) Sounds like a busy week for her!

  4. As a former Kindergarten teacher I know what a big deal it is to lose a tooth especially in class when everyone can see. I can't believe how grown she is. I don't even think she was three when I started reading your blog!

  5. Wow! That is a busy and super exciting week for her! She's adorable with her missing tooth!

  6. Such a big week for our sweet little Lexie!

  7. What a cutie! Hope she has a great year of Kindergarten!

  8. Wow, that is exciting! My Ethan who is 7.5 has yet to lose any teeth. He brings it up every once in a while. I am sure when it finally happens we'll have a big party!

  9. Too cute! What an exciting week!!

  10. That is one exciting week! How cool to lose your tooth at school!


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