How far along: 23 weeks!
Total Weight Gained: All loss so far.
How big is baby? Nugget is over 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound.
How baby is growing: Blood vessels in Nugget's lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that his/her increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing him/her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze the baby when he/she hears them outside the womb.
Maternity Clothes: I'm still wearing my regular clothes.
Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: Feeling my sweet pea hit, kick, and flip around!
Movement: Nugget is constantly moving!
Food Cravings: No cravings yet.
Food Aversions: A long list that constantly changes!
Morning Sickness: I'm 23 weeks and still taking Zofran everyday. That about sums it up!
Gender: We didn't find out!
Symptoms: Strong and frequent Braxton Hick's contractions (especially in the evening), nausea morning to night, gagging, vomiting, headaches, mood swings, constipation, and breakouts.
Exercise: Getting moderate exercise 4-5 days a week on the treadmill. I keep up with it, because it makes me feel better, despite the all day sickness. I also have a bigger appetite on the days I get exercise.
What I miss: Living my life without feeling like I have a constant stomach virus.
What I'm looking forward to: Feeling normal again!
23 Week Picture:
Lexie wanted to take a belly picture, too. Haha!
I can't forget my sweet boy!
I can see it...finally!! I could tell last week you were about to pop. But you don't look anywhere near 23 wks! Lexie is sporting a nice bump though!! ;P
ReplyDeleteYep, Lexie is showing more than you! Probably Dylan, too! Actually, there is a little something there now! I can't wait to see that little GIRL! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear you are still sick. Ugh. At least nugget is growing and flippin', which helps somewhat I imagine!
ReplyDeleteIt cracks me up how she wants to do what you do. You can just see that little roundness now. So fun!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're such a good girl for keeping up with the exercise. I was awful that way!
You can just barely see a little bump there!! You look great. I love Lexie's belly pic! She's such a sweetie.
ReplyDeleteI think I can see it!! can I see it! :)
ReplyDeleteLexie's belly bump is bigger than yours =) haha you guys are so precious! I'm so sorry that you are still sick! I
ReplyDeleteYou all look so cute! Love your weekly updates! :)
ReplyDeleteI see a little bump! And Lexie's pic is to funny:)
ReplyDeleteYea for a little bump - I'm glad I don't have to stand next to you... I would feel like an elephant!!!
ReplyDeleteHee hee! LOVE Lexi's belly picture. That dang zofran and its constipation side effect. I am having horrible flash backs now!
ReplyDeleteI love Lexie's bump :) Isn't it fun to feel all that moving!
ReplyDeleteAwwww. I wish you weren't still feeling sick. You look beautiful and you're glowing-- you would never know by seeing you that you're feeling so sick! Stay positive. :)
ReplyDeleteI see it!!! =)
ReplyDeleteI still don't see a baby bump! You are SO teeny!
ReplyDeleteyey!!! at last there's nugget! :) but I agree, Lexie shows more bump heheh but still a cutie and Dylan as well!