I woke up, still feeling sick from the stomach virus. I just did not feel like eating, so our dinner was canceled. Well...it would have been canceled anyway, considering my mom (who was going to babysit for us) was sick with it, as well.
So, we camped out on the couch all day. I started to get my energy back in the early evening, and didn't want our day to be a complete failure, so I baked sugar cookies with the kids. After they were in bed, Grant and I watched several episodes of one of our favorite shows. So, I guess it wasn't a total fail.
Today, we celebrated Valentine's Day...a day late. We wore red (and hearts), and I got my hubby and kids a few things to show how much I loved them. I can smell (well, partially smell through my stuffed nose), Grant's creme brulee coffee in the kitchen. Dylan has been playing with his Star Wars and Playmobil figures non-stop. Lexie has been clutching her frog bath toys, animals, and mini baby to her chest all day. And I have been staring at my Bailey's Irish Cream box of chocolates, willing them to last a few weeks.
The only thing missing is my lack of Valentine's Day portraits of the kids. And that dinner out. Which we will be making up! ;)
When it comes down to it, I spent Valentine's Day with the three people that I love most in this world, and that's all that matters!
Hubby was sick on VDay too, so we hung around the house relaxing. Glad you still got to celebrate in some way!