Our Five Ring Circus: Just Lily

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Just Lily

I love being a mom to four kids.  My life is full of love and noise and chaos, and I wouldn't change a single thing!

That being said, I do treasure those rare one-on-one moments with my kids!  I love to catch a glimpse of who my child is away from their siblings and show them just how special they are to me, and they love to get my undivided attention. Although Grant and I work hard to carve out individual time with each child, entire days with just one child don't happen often!

This morning, my mom came over to spend the day with Liam, while Lily and I headed to her preschool for her field trip. We met up with her classmates in her classroom, boarded a bus, and went into the city to visit the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh

Riding the bus into Pittsburgh for a field trip with my sweet Lilybug! ❤ I'm excited to spend the day with just her!

I was really looking forward to spending the day with just Lily! As we drove into the city, Lily curled up in my arms. It was such a perfect and peaceful moment. For once, it was JUST the two of us. I didn't have to race after a toddler or help an older child with homework. She felt so tiny curled up against me and I just wanted to freeze time.  In the blink of an eye, the moment will come when she will barely fit in my arms anymore. I just wanted to hold onto her and hold onto that moment so tightly to keep it from slipping away!

Moving past the sentimental...

I did have a little job to do while we were there. I volunteered to be a class historian for the year, since I always have a camera in my hands. This was the last big event that needed to be photographed, so I had to take a few pictures of her classmates on the field trip. I captured some great shots that I can't share due to privacy, so like the title says, just Lily!

We love going to the Children's Museum!  It's such a fun place to visit and all the little details are incredible!


When we visit, I'm usually so busy keeping track of kids (including friends) that it can feel rushed and chaotic at times. It so it was nice to focus my attention on Lily and not have to worry about anybody else!

Our first stop was in the studio, where Lily played with clay and made a screen print to take home.
I didn't realize it at the time, but Lily chose the arrangement of the shapes she cut out, and it turned out to be a perfect paw print!


Next up, she crawled through the maze and burned off some energy. I seriously need one of those in my house for Liam and Lily. It's like a giant ant farm for kids!


After what seemed like hours of watching her climb up several stories and down again and repeat, she finally came out and moved on to the other exhibits.  Although the light-up sticks were entertaining, she especially loved the sand wheel and kept running back to it!  (Bonus points if you can name the movie the puppet below is from!)

Children's Museum Pittsburgh

Lily was completely unimpressed by Mr. Roger's shoes, which made my heart ache! I, however, was impressed. I take a picture of them every time we go to the museum!


We took a little break for lunch, and I was once again, wowed by Lily's independence.  She walked to the cafeteria in front of me, holding her friend's hand, and sat at a different table than me.  Although she loves to spend time with me, she's also very social and makes friends so easily!

After lunch, we headed up to the BIG exhibit: TapeScape 2.0, which is a traveling exhibit.  Imagine a large play structure built out of over 10 miles of packing tape wrapped around steel frames.  It was every bit as awesome as it sounds!

TapeScape 2.0

After about a half hour of play, she finally grew tired. The room was HOT so I was surprised she lasted that long! I didn't think I would ever convince her to move on, but she grabbed her friend's hand and grabbed my hand, and I ended up being pulled into the next room!

The tiny smart car and the table that blew balls up into the air were big hits in that room!


 We saved the favorite exhibit for last: Waterplay!


I did forget the swimsuit and towel this time, but I did remember a change of clothes!  I also did tell Lily to try not to get too wet.  Famous last words.


Want to know how our afternoon ended? 


WELL. Let me show you!


If that's not a sign of a fun field trip, I'm not sure what is!

After an obvious change of clothing, we headed down to the entrance and boarded the bus to go back home. Lily sat in a seat with her two friends, while us moms finally sat back and relaxed!

I had such a wonderful day with my incredibly sweet 4 year old! She really is an awesome kid and I'm so thankful I got the chance to make memories with her!

What is your favorite museum to visit?




  1. Oh my goodness that looks like so much fun! The pictures of Lily playing in the water are so fun and I laughed when she dumped a bucket of water on herself. Silly girl! Quite the successful day.

    1. We had a great time together! As for the water, I've learned to just go with the flow!

  2. What a great field trip! Stella is going on her first field trip as a kindergartner today. I was a little disappointed that they were not taking parent chaperons. Those are some of my favorite moments!

    1. I'm sorry you didn't get the chance to go! I actually got chosen to go on both Dylan and Lexie's field trips this year. I got really lucky, because there were many years that my name wasn't chosen at all. I hope Stella had fun!

  3. What a special day for the two of you! I SO love my one on one time with my littles and I just don't get enough of it! It's always extra special when I do, though!

    1. It's difficult scheduling individual time with all of our kids, but we try our hardest. It just makes those moment extra special when it happens!

  4. I can totally relate! I love one on one time! Sometimes they get wrapped up in the "role" of big brother or little sister, that it's nice to see their individuality. After a day like that, I'm always like, parenting one kid was so easy!! What were we thinking, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

  5. It's good you had a change of clothes for her! I like the tape scape. That looks so fun.

    1. Someone just told me that they're working on a TapeScape for adults. I might have to check that out!!!

  6. HA! I love that she totally soaked herself at the end. I'm sure you were not thrilled. :) So fun! Glad you got some one on one time.

    1. I've learned to just go with the flow! Nothing really surprises me anymore! A towel would have been nice, though. ;)

  7. Baha ha! Those last pictures are just the best. What a sweet day spent with your girl.

    1. She has quite the personality! Haha! I'm glad I got to spend the day with her.

  8. What a fun field trip! My daughter is in the afternoon class. We also forgot swimsuits for the water play room and I, too, told my girls not to get too wet. My 3 year-old stuck her head in a bucket of water and then proceeded to dump it all over herself! So much for that! My younger daughter and I actually sat behind you and Lily on the bus in the morning. We were also in line behind you at kindergarten registration (not stalking you, I swear!). I should have said hello then, but felt awkward. Anyway, hi! I promise the next time our paths cross, I will properly introduce myself.

    1. Oh my goodness! Say hi next time. I would love to meet you! XOXO I always try to keep blogging separated from my personal life, so I'm always surprised when somebody local tells me that they read my blog! I hope I get a chance to meet you soon. Now I'm trying to place you. I had a migraine overnight and was half asleep on the bus that morning!

  9. So glad you guys had a good time and got some one-on-one time in, it's so important! ;)

    1. Thank you! It really is! I know you understand how hard it is to carve out that time when you have 3+ kids!

  10. That sand table is so cool and those picture leading up to Lily dumping water on herself are priceless! So glad you were able to have a fun day with Lily! How fun!

    1. She is a crazy kid! But thank you...we had so much fun together!

  11. First - love the Dark Crystal!! Love anything Jim Henson! Second - WOW, looks like such a wonderful time. I am embarrassed to admit we have never visited the Children's Museum here in Houston b/c I have been told how great it is. After all these pics I MUST make it a priority and take the kids. Soon!!!

    1. You got it!!! Awesome! It used to scare me when I was younger, but I love it now.
      You should definitely take the kids to your local Children's Museum!

  12. Looks like a wonderful time!! I love the water pictures! So just curious is the creature from the Dark Crystal?
    Glad to hear you were able to spend a little one on one time, it's always a nice break. :)


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