Our Five Ring Circus: Lily at 16 Months

Monday, December 3, 2012

Lily at 16 Months

 Liliana is 16 months old today!  She is SO close to 18 months.  Slow down, time, slow down!!!

We had a very quick photoshoot tonight to mark the occasion.  When I say quick, I mean quick!  This girl just wants to dance and sing and run and style her hair with vaseline.  She has no time to pose anymore!


AGE:  16 months


STATS: 23 lbs and 33 inches


WEARING:  Size 3 & 4 diapers, size 5 shoes (too big, but you have chubby feet!), and 12-18 month clothing.


MILESTONES:  Running.  It is so funny to watch you speed away! Making the sound "MUAH!" when you give kisses.


TOOTH COUNT: 16!!!  You only need your 2 year molars now.  Phew...almost done!


COMFORTS: Sucking your thumb!  That habit is going to be difficult to break!


FIRSTS:  Sadly, all your firsts are done.  You are growing up way too quickly!


EATING: You eat 3 regular meals and 3 snacks a day. 


FAVORITE FOODS:  Green or Black Olives, Corn, Macaroni and Cheese, Tomato Soup, Noodle Soup, Cheerios, Blueberries, Bananas, and Oranges.


SLEEPING:  You sleep 12+ hours at night. 3-5 hours after you wake up you are ready for a 2-3 hour nap. You are an excellent sleeper!


WORDS/SOUNDS: Mama, Dada, Papa, Nana, Dyl (Da),Lexie (La), Bailey, Nannie, Amber, Audrey, Jack, Dog, Cat Oh, Hi, Bye, Yeah, Bug, Yuck, Hot, and Hiss.  When you see a snake, you say, "HSSSSSSSSS!"


LIKES:  Going outside, swinging, dancing, Singing into Dylan's microphone, and taking baths.


FAVORITE TOYS:  Baby Dolls, strollers, Dylan's microphone, shoes (you love to wear everybody's shoes and stomp around in them!), cell phones (THIEF!), books, bead necklaces (you always have one around your neck) and the Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Learning Chair. 


DISLIKES:  Getting your diaper changed, getting dressed, being told no, and getting your face and hands wiped.  And, well, getting stuffed into a giant mug!


NICKNAMES:  Lily, Lilybug, Bugs, Bugaboo, Bugsies, and Lily Belle.


PERSONALITY: You are still a little cuddle bug.  You love to snuggle!  You are very sweet, happy, funny, outgoing, easy-going, and friendly.  You do have a bit of a dramatic side now. You HATE to be told no and you cry when you are scolded.  You are very inquisitive and mischievous.  You get into Vaseline on a near daily basis (it goes right in your hair!), throw everything and anything away, and unwrap feminine products. You are a ball of energy.  You are always on the move! You are starting to follow directions and you mimic everything we do. You can bring a smile to the face of anybody that meets you. You are so loveable and adorable!



  1. She is starting to look a like a little girl! The vaseline thing made me laugh :)

  2. She is a doll. Love all these pictures.

  3. Happy 16 months, Lily!

    We love watching you grow...but slow down!!

    Gorgeous pics, Stef!

  4. Oh my goodness! How adorable is the little Christmas romper? and those leggings? Seriously?!

  5. Oh my word!!! She is seriously too cute for words--all of your children are! I love the little outfits you always find for her. Oh I must stop by more often so I can get my share of cuteness! (All boys here, remember?) ha ha!

  6. That's a lot of adorable pictures for a quick photo shoot! Love them!! Happy 16 months Miss Lily!

  7. What a cutie!!! Time sure flies, doesn't it?

  8. Those leg warmers are adorable!! She is the cutest photo subject!

  9. Macy is also really into shoes and loves to throws things away. Unfortunately, she evens sometimes puts her shoes in the trash can. Toddlers!!

  10. That last picture is just the best! You can't help but smile back at her!

    She is adorable. And it's so fun when they really start building that vocabulary and you get a peek into their sweet minds!

  11. So, So, So cute!!!! I love all the pics!

  12. 16 months, snap. That went too quivk for sure!! Love you Lily bug.

  13. Cuteness overload! 16th month?! Wow! How can we make the time tick slower?!

  14. these are great pictures! And your commentary is sweet & funny. :)


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