Our Five Ring Circus: Season Three

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Season Three

Dylan started his third year of baseball today!


He loves to play, and we love watching him play, but it's always hard to adjust to the new routine.  Our lives are already crazy-busy, but now we have to add in 5:00 PM practices, games, rushed dinners, and rushed evenings.  I'm sure we'll get used to it!

Dylan was so excited to go to his first practice tonight.  He insisted on wearing all his gear, and rushed out the door.  He has the same coach he had in T-Ball, and three former teammates are on his team this year.  He was especially excited to find out that one of his closest friends in his class is on his team! 

Even though he's had a long break from baseball, he was hitting and throwing really well tonight!  We're looking forward to cheering him on at his games!


The girls even managed to have some fun at the playground beside the ball field, while Dylan practiced.


After a great first practice, we celebrated with root beer floats once we got home!  I have a feeling it's going to be a great season!

Oh...and a certain little lady turned 8 months old today!



  1. First off, happy belated!

    Baseball looks like fun for everyone! The nights Pierce has ninjutsu are kind of draining - but I try to prep everything for the next day before we leave, and that's the one night I cheat and let him have a Lunchables for his school lunch the next day instead of packing something cute. It saves a few minutes!

  2. WTG Dylan! We start soccer soon over here, love the spring time. =) Adorable little sisters playing.

  3. What level is Dylan playing this year? Buddy has moved up to machine pitch. We haven't started practices yet, and it'll be another week or so before the practice schedule is even figured out.

    Look who's wearing jeans!!! ;-)

  4. I love the picture of Dylan in his baseball gear and the pictures of the girls on the swing are too precious!!!!

  5. I love he fun at the playground while he played ball. Too cute!

  6. What a cute baseball player!! I hope I have a future player too! He is so wicked cute!

  7. I think baseball is my all time favorite sport. I love being outside and talking with all the parents too. One time i had 6 different kids playing on 6 different teams in the same season!! and 3 were pitchers!!
    have fun!

  8. It sounds like it's a busy time of year, but you and the little ones are managing just fine and having a wonderful time. Thank you for reminding me about rootbeer floats...I haven't had one in ages. Enjoy!

  9. Happy birthday! That picture of all of you is adorable! The baseball pictures are also so cute! It is so great to have a sport and passion you love! Make sure you celebrate your birthday all month! Have a great night!

    Mama Hen

  10. Happy belated Lily! You are growing up way too fast! Congrats Dyl!

  11. Those pictures are so adorable, Stef! I love them all! That looked like a fun party. I am excited to see the easter bunny gets my son this year. :) Anyway..Have a great day!


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