Our Five Ring Circus: The Great Escape

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Great Escape

Within hours of posting about Lexie and her beloved hamster, the unthinkable happened.

I'm not exactly sure what I yelled, but it brought Lexie running into her room, and woke Dylan up. Lexie burst into tears when she realized Toby was gone, and ran from the room sobbing. Dylan and I immediately began searching the house.

To be honest, I didn't feel very optimistic about the outcome of our search. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystick. He literally could have been anywhere, including the basement, garage, or even outside!

Dylan and I spent the next hour tearing the house apart, as Lexie sobbed, and the 9 month old baby that I watch crawled along behind me. Finally, I stood up, near tears, and pleaded with God to help me find Lexie's hamster.

I know that seems silly, but to Lexie, it was like a missing family member. Her cries over her beloved friend were heart-wrenching. I walked into Lexie's room, unsure of where to begin. My eyes landed on her rose petal cottage sitting in the corner, and I pulled it out from the wall.

There was Toby, not even 2 feet away from the dresser his cage is on! He walked toward me, stretching, and blinking his sleepy eyes, and I scooped him up. I think I was just as relieved to see him as Lexie was!

As Lexie held her little buddy, I brought out my trusty duct tape, and taped the caps on Toby's cage, and Dylan's hamster's cage. Hopefully that stops any future escapes!

This entire escapade was over by 9 AM. I joke that life in my house is always an adventure, and I'm beginning to believe that!

I'm so happy that we were able to find Toby, either by luck or divine intervention! Secretly, I was very upset that he was missing. I'm quite fond of the little guy! Lexie was beyond happy that her hamster was back, and peace was restored in our house!



  1. One time one of our hamsters got out and the kids were freaking! I told the kids to just be still and let our cat show us where he was, because our cat was obsessed with him. Sure enough, he walked over to the dresser and was looking under it. "Sweety" was behind the dresser.

  2. Oh, poor Lexie! I think it is the sweetest thing that Dylan helped look like that - those two really do have a special relationship! So glad to hear that Toby is safe and sound!

  3. When I was little... I accidentally blew up my hamster's insides. I fed him chocolate.

  4. Whew! Glad he was found! Ironic - after I just posted about those little critters being escape artists!

  5. Whew!! Glad it was a happy ending!

  6. So glad you found it. Hopefully she didn't get knocked up during her escapades like the hamster I had in college...

  7. When I was little our hamster always escaped too! (I think it is in their nature) We ended up buying a huge glass aquarium and putting him in there with a mesh lid. I don't remember him escaping after that.

  8. Ah, so happy you found him...whew!

    I remember losing my hamster one time, in the ball, and we found her out in the front driveaway going in circles-thank goodness :)

  9. Poor Toby and Lexie! Losing a beloved pet is heart wrenching. I'm glad you found him.

    Years and years ago, when I was about 10, I woke up from sleeping on my cousin's bedroom floor and found her hamster sitting on my chest. Hamsters are sneaky!

  10. That's so good you found him! Hamsters are very much escape artists. If you ever lose one again, get a small waste basket and put some halved grapes in the bottom of it and then use some books to prop it up so when the hamster goes in for the grapes, he'll slide down the side and not be able to get out. We caught one of ours once when he got out this way.

  11. that picture says it all!! So happy they were reunited :)

  12. I'm so glad you found Toby! That kind of the stress is the last thing you need at the end of a pregnancy. Happy fourth of July weekend!

  13. Oh my gosh! Cheers for a happy ending! ;)

  14. Oh, I get it! Elijah has had a turtle get loose, and like you said, they are so important to the kids, aren't they? I'm glad everything turned out well!


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