Our Five Ring Circus: The Unofficial Thanksgiving Post

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Unofficial Thanksgiving Post

We were really looking forward to Thanksgiving, but it didn't turn out to be a very good day. To be honest, I'm still recovering from the stress!

We were having a great morning, watching the parade on TV, when the phone rang. It was my mom, and she told us that my dad needed to go to the hospital. He was really dizzy and his fingers felt numb.

I immediately began crying, because I've been so worried about his health lately. My wonderful husband threw on clothes and rushed off to take my dad to the ER. They made it in record time.

Grant was amazing, and stayed with my dad the entire time. I stayed home with the kids, because they were both in tears. It was agony waiting for updates.

We ended up missing dinner with Grant's family, and just had dinner with my sister and her family. My dad was released from the hospital before dinner, but just wanted to go home to rest.

They found out that his carotid arteries are completely blocked. A piece broke off and traveled to his brain, which is why he was dizzy and numb. The only thing that saved him from having a stroke was the fact that he took aspirin as soon as he started feeling ill.

Thank God for that.

He has an appointment with a specialist next week, and will have to get his arteries cleared. No strenuous activity or work until he gets this taken care of!

While our Thanksgiving was not the best, I am so thankful that my dad did not have a stroke.

The official Thanksgiving post, complete with pictures, will come soon!


  1. aw I'm so sorry! I hope your dad is okay and is healthy soon! I spent some time catching up on your blog... your kids are just too cute and happy birthday to your little (big!) guy! :)

  2. Hey there.

    I'm sorry to hear that you got bad news on Thanksgiving day. I did get bad news myself that evening so I sort of tried to enjoy my relaxing day. Thankfully, that happened late at night because my world crashed after 9pm Hawaii time :( I'm so proud of your husband for standing up for your father. He's such a good man.

    I'm glad to hear that your father is home and resting. Thank GOD for that. I'm just still sorry that he's not great :( *HUGS*. I hope that all is okay for his specialist visit. My prayers are with you & your family, especially your father.

    Happy (more) Holidays.

  3. Health stuff is so scary!! Friends' of ours's little boy fell off a trampoline at a friends house last weekend (it was on a slab of concrete... I mean seriously... who does that?) and miraculously came through ok despite the fact that his skull is fractured and his brain was bleeding. He was in the hospital most of the week under observation and testing...

    Ugh. I just hate when this stuff happens over the holidays!

  4. I am so glad that we have access to medical care and that your father was able to get it quickly! What a scare - hope he is much better soon.

  5. oh my goodness, how scary. SO thankful your dad knew what to do when he started to feel bad.
    Glad everything was alright and sorry Thanksgiving was more stress than anything.

  6. Oh how scary! I'll be praying for your Dad!

  7. That sounds like a terrible Thanksgiving, but I'm glad your dad is okay! What a smart guy to take the aspirin, praises for that!

  8. What an amazing hubby you have to rush off like that! Glad that he didn't have a stroke and hope the specialst can take great care of him!

  9. That must have been so scary! Your Dad will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. What a rough Thanksgiving! Dads are supposed to be healthy and strong, and I think it is so scary to see them so vulnerable. I wish your dad a full and speedy recovery and am so glad that he didn't suffer a stroke!

  11. Oh no! I'm so thankful that your Dad thought to take those aspirin. I hope that his procedure goes okay and that you are able to destress a little!

  12. So sorry to hear that. Praying for the best for your dad. Lots of love to you and the family. {BIG HUGS}

  13. Oh wow. How scary! And what a downer for Thanksgiving.

    I'm glad he's okay and that he can get this taken care of!

  14. I am so sorry about your dad! Lets hope next week brings great news. Yay to Grant for being a rock to you all when you needed it!

  15. I hope and pray that he'll be in good shape soon!

    hugs sissy!


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