Our Five Ring Circus: Surviving The Change

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Surviving The Change

My keep-the-kids-up-late effort last night was a total success!

Things started getting rough around 11:15 last night. Dylan and Lexie were both crabby and exhausted. They were nearing the end of a movie, so I turned off the lights, covered them up, and it didn't take long for Lexie to pass out.


Dylan, however, got a burst of energy!


After moving Lexie to her bed, I put him to bed, and in less than 3 minutes, he was snoring!

Lexie woke up at 8 AM, and Dylan woke up at 9. Both of them were in bed at 7:00 tonight. My plan worked yet again! Phew!


  1. how on earth do you keep them up so late? We are adjusting pretty well even though avin was up early this morning. everyone is in bed now though :)

  2. Nice! Most people do not have a strategy to the time change, but you my friend were very prepared! I'm so glad that it worked!

  3. Glad the time change didn't get you all off schedule!

  4. Good plan! My plan was to go out of town and let my parents deal with the kids on Sunday morning! LOL

  5. I didn't have any trouble with the kiddos. For us it was the dogs!

  6. That same plan,unfortunately,didn't work for us. We let the kids stay up late hoping they would sleep in, but they were ALL up @ 6:15! Oh well, they took nice long naps on Sunday afternoon:)

  7. My kids were already in bed by the time I remembered :(

  8. Thanks for the award :) You're TOO sweet! That is great that you've got your kiddos over the time change, mine are still trying to adjust!

  9. omg that pic of Lexie is precious!

  10. good job! that didnt work for my little one. even if she stayed up late at night, the latest that she can get in the morning is just 730AM.

    btw, im having a giveaway right now, need to put that up before i get busy again. you might want to join :)

  11. So funny, we did the same thing to GG...keep her up in hopes of not having her wide eyed and awake at six the next morning! Love the pic of your sleeping beauty! Too cute!

  12. I'm so jealous. As you read, my son was up at 5:00am. I was not happy.

  13. You are a soooo smart! I need to remember this tip next time change! Your kiddos are so beautiful {i know i've said that before, lol}

  14. Glad things worked out for you!! I wish I could say the same - I have to say that pic of Dylan is hilarious!!!

  15. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR VISITING from the NESTWORK and commenting!! The surprise from Mama Hen was amazing!

    I've become a follower!
    Your children are adorable and your site is lovely. Looking forward to reading more.
    The "Let's Talk!" Mom

  16. Lucky you! That does NOT work with mine!

  17. You are a genius! What a fantastic way to survive the time change!


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