The 4th of July is one of our favorite holidays! Due to current circumstances in our country, however, we weren't able to fully celebrate the day like we usually do. We tried our hardest to make the day as normal as possible for our kids during this very abnormal time period!
This 4th of July, there was no pool to swim in or parade to go to. We were unable to have a big picnic. Masks accessorized our traditional red, white, and blue. The day certainly lacked its usual oomph, but we still had fun!
We were able to enjoy a long 4 day weekend. We enjoyed sleeping in and staying up really late. It was hot - SO HOT - but we spent hours outdoors. We laughed, we played, we ate, and we were together. The 4th of July ended up feeling like an ordinary Summer day at home...just with fireworks!
How we spent our 4th of July...
If I hadn't taken pictures at 8 PM, I would have completely failed at documenting our 4th! In fact, Dylan didn't even make it into any of the pictures. It was our first 4th of July without one of our kids. He decided to spend the day skateboarding, and we missed him! (That isn't happening again!) Even though we were home, the day was busy, so I didn't even think to take any pictures until evening.
We invited over our very close friends who have been social distancing like we have, so the day wasn't a complete loss! We had so much food that we ended up eating leftovers yesterday, and still have more! Cheeseburgers, hot dogs, brats, my recently perfected macaroni and cheese recipe, potato salad, two pasta salads, mini sandwiches, a truffle dessert, and cookies. After we ate, I realized I forgot to make the baked beans and cut up the watermelon! I stashed the beans aside for when we (maybe? hopefully?) have a labor day picnic.
We are in the midst of a hot spell. It has been over 90 degrees for a week, and another full week of 90+ degree weather stretches out ahead of us. It's really hard with young kids who want to be outdoors, and even harder without a big pool! We didn't end up going outdoors until 8 PM. Finally, it cooled off enough that we could stand being outside. We played cornhole and yard yahtzee, the kids ran around, and we listened to music until it was time to head out for our town's fireworks. Thankfully, that wasn't canceled! After the fireworks, we came home, watched a few firework shows our neighbors were setting off, then watched movies until the middle of the night. Our celebration definitely wasn't the same, but it wasn't bad!
Scenes from our 4th of July...
The littles played hard!
We were together, but missing Dylan very much!
We spent much needed time with best friends.
Our sweet Aubrey was home for a visit, and came to fireworks with us! Lexie and Aubrey are cousins and best friends, and have always been incredibly close, like sisters. Lexie was beyond excited to celebrate the 4th with one of her favorite people!
The night was really warm, the sky was clear, and the moon was full. It was a PERFECT Summer night!
The fireworks made the holiday feel mostly normal! Although Liam sat in the car, he didn't scream or hold his ears. Instead, he kept saying "Ooo, pretty," and clapped when it was over. And little Coen was mesmerized by them! I don't blame him!
A few notes about our holiday:
- We wore masks when we couldn't practice social distancing, because that is now mandated in our state, including outdoors in public. It was weird, but we did it without complaint.
- I hate not being able to hug our loved ones. When this is over, I just want to give everyone I know and love a HUGE hug!
- I believe in allowing kids to live their lives and get dirty, but since all this began, I am continuously reminding my kids to wash their hands (or use hand sanititzer), and I regularly disinfect frequently touched surfaces. I don't necessarily think that's a bad habit to have. We could all be a little more careful during cold and flu season. I know I sometimes let down my guard! Funny enough, we have been completely germ-free since March. Let's hope that stays that way!
- Dylan - or any of our kids - is not allowed to spend another holiday away from us. I really didn't like celebrating a holiday without him!
This 4th of July was unusual, but fun! Everyone was happy, and smiling and laughing, and we were together. We definitely missed our usual traditions though. Next 4th of July we're going to GO BIG! (I have a feeling we'll be doing everything big when this is over!)
How did you celebrate the 4th of July?
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