Our Five Ring Circus: Happy 6th Birthday, Liam!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Happy 6th Birthday, Liam!

Down syndrome

On Sunday, our sweet boy celebrated his 6th Birthday! It's easy to forget just how old Liam is, because he's so tiny, and has a speech delay. But my boy, who was the baby of the family for 5 1/2 years, is now 6 years old and headed to first grade! It's so hard to believe!

We have to alter our usual birthday traditions a bit for Liam. He has celiac disease, which means we can't do the usual Happy Birthday Donut Breakfast, and we don't go out to eat since there isn't a good restaurant that he likes that meets his diet restrictions. Our plan for his big day was to hang out at home, invite some of his favorite people over, eat his favorite dinner, and play outside.

Last year, we spent Liam's birthday driving 12 hours to the beach. We'll definitely always remember that one, but sometimes celebrating simply can be just as good. Liam had a GREAT birthday, and was so excited about it!

Liam stayed up late on his birthday eve, so we let him sleep in on his birthday. When he woke up, he was really excited to see the living room filled with balloons. We immediately told him happy birthday, and he got the BIGGEST smile on his face!

Birthday Traditions

We kicked off the celebration by giving him his big gift - a food truck!!! Yes, it is intended for toddlers, but he loved it so much at speech therapy that we knew it was the perfect gift for him! PSA - Yes, he is more alike than different, but sometimes it's absolutely okay to embrace his differences.

Down syndrome blog

We continued the fun by having a fried egg breakfast (his favorite) and singing happy birthday to him. He loves singing happy birthday, and blowing out candles! He didn't mind one bit that his "treat" was a pile of eggs and not a donut.

Celiac Disease

Soon after we finished brunch, Grant's mom came over for a visit. Liam was so happy to see his MawNaw, and open another present. He had a nice visit with her, and loved the singing Baby Shark book that was part of his gift!

Parenting Blog

Next on our agenda was dinner. We made Liam's favorite meal - Rigatoni (gluten-free for him) and salad. He ended up eating more salad than pasta! By the time we finished, my parents arrived, and it was time for presents and cake!


The Lucky Few

Big Family

One of our biggest birthday traditions is having each of the siblings give the birthday boy/girl a gift. It just makes it extra special! Liam loved his Boss Baby book, singing Baby Shark, clucking Hei Hei from Moana, and police helicopter. He also had a fun gift to open from my mom and dad!

Big Family Blog

Pittsburgh Blog


Mom Blog

6th Birthday

Birthday Traditions for Kids

6th Birthday

Life with Down syndrome

Brotherly Love

Down syndrome families

what life is like with Down syndrome

Big Family Life

After opening gifts, it was time for cake. We haven't found a gluten free cake that Liam loves, so we went with a simple ice cream cake. Liam was so excited about everyone singing happy birthday to him, and happily joined in to sing along!

Ice Cream Cake

Down syndrome

6th Birthday

Down syndrome bloggers

6th Birthday Traditions

Parenting Bloggers

Life with Down syndrome

Birthday Traditions

Eventually, my parents headed home, and the temperature dropped out of the nineties, so we ended Liam's birthday celebration outdoors. He had so much fun playing in our backyard with his siblings. They stayed outside until dark!

Mom Blogger

Every year on their birthdays, I post a birthday interview. I ask my kids the same set of questions, and I love to see how their answers change from year to year. Liam doesn't have the speech skills to answer all of the questions, so I asked him a few, and then answered the rest for him. I can't wait until he will be able to answer all of the questions himself!

Age: 6

3’4” and 35 lbs

6th Birthday

2. FAVORITE TOY? Cars, Woody Doll, BaaBaa Doll, Deer & Dog Stuffed Animals, IPad
6. FAVORITE VEGETABLE? Broccoli or Salad
8. FAVORITE CEREAL? Rice Chex or Corn Chex and Honey Nut Cheerios
9. FAVORITE LUNCH?  GF chicken nuggets, cottage cheese, and a banana
10. FAVORITE DINNER? GF Pasta with meat sauce or tacos
11. FAVORITE DRINK? Iced Tea or Apple Juice
12. FAVORITE SNACK? Popsicles!
14. FAVORITE TV SHOW? Paw Patrol
15. FAVORITE MOVIE? Boss Baby or Moana
17. FAVORITE SONG? Ride by Twenty One Pilots, Happy Birthday, and Baby Shark!
18. FAVORITE SINGER/BAND? Does Little Baby Bum count?!?
19. FAVORITE BOOKS? Llama Llama Red Pajama 
20. FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? How Do Dinosaurs…?
21. FAVORITE OUTFIT? Underwear and nothing else!
22. FAVORITE GAME? Jumping Jack
23. FAVORITE SPORT? Rock Climbing
24. FAVORITE ANIMAL?  Dogs or Deer
25. FAVORITE PLACE TO GO? Papa and Nana’s house or MawNaw’s house
26. FAVORITE THINGS TO DO? Play outside and go to the playground.
29. FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK? Friday because we get to go to Nina and Papa’s!
30. FAVORITE MONTH? August - his birthday month!
31. FAVORITE SEASON? Probably Summer. He hates cold weather!
32. FAVORITE HOLIDAY? Christmas! He’s all about opening presents!
34. WHO DO YOU LIKE TO PLAY WITH? Dylan, Lexie, Lily, Coen, and Dolly.
35. WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?  Dancing, singing, playing outside, and snuggling!
36. WHAT SCARES YOU? Haircuts, having his nails clipped, parades, and fireworks that are directly overhead.
37. WHAT MAKES YOU SAD? Getting scolded.
38. WHAT DO YOU WISH FOR? Probably a freezer full of his favorite popsicles or living outside!
39. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MEMORY? I wish I could answer this! :(
40. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? I’m just going to say a politician. Dude can work a crowd.
41. DISLIKES?  See what scares me + cold weather!
42. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MEMORY AS A 5 YEAR OLD? Probably celebrating his 5th birthday at the beach or meeting his new baby brother, Coen! (Although he probably thought he was Boss Baby for a few months, and hoped he would go home! Haha!)

Down syndrome

It was such a simple birthday celebration, but Liam had a wonderful day! He is truly pleased by anything, and he loved all the attention. He had a GREAT 6th birthday! 

6th Birthday

Happy 6th Birthday, Liam!!!


  1. Happy birthday to your sweet little guy! I can't believe he's SIX now! That is just crazy!

  2. Happy belated birthday to Liam! Even simple celebrations can bring big memories. Love the smiles on his face.


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