Our Five Ring Circus: The Days Are Long But The Years Are Short

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Days Are Long But The Years Are Short

"The days are long but the years are short." It seems like most moms are saying those words these days. But I disagree. The days are short and the years are even shorter.

The days are long but the years are short.

Perhaps it's just one of those things that you don't realize until you're surrounded by kids. After trying desperately to meet the needs of 4+ kids all day there simply isn't any time to ponder over the fact that the day felt too long. The truth is, there's not ENOUGH time in one day! I can't even remember what it was like to have just one or two kids, let alone remember life before kids, but I imagine there was more time. At this point in my life, I'm seriously considering just giving up on sleep entirely.

I was rushing around the house tonight, just trying to get the nightly chores done so I could go to bed before 4 AM. As I passed by Lexie and Lily's window, the full moon caught my eye and I was immediately drawn to it. I had what felt like a million things on my to do list, but in that moment, I was still. The beauty of it took my breath away and I realized that I'm never still long enough to enjoy the simplest things in life. My days pass by in a blur of activity and chaos and I'm always looking ahead to the next task. As I stared up at the moon tonight, the realization of how quickly time passes by hit me like a ton of bricks.

This is the part where I'm supposed to exclaim "Where did time go?!?"  But I know exactly where time went. It slipped away during all those hours I spent changing diapers, feeding kids, constantly worrying, cleaning up the endless mess, negotiating to end conflicts, continuously washing loads of laundry, and herding children to and fro. That's motherhood in a nutshell. It's just sprinkled with the most incredible moments of happiness that will take your breath away, bring tears to your eyes and make you feel like the luckiest woman alive.

I'm feeling all the feels right now. I don't want Summer to end. I don't want the school year to start. And I certainly don't want my babies to grow up so darn quickly. I know it's entirely selfish of me to feel that way because the point of having kids is to raise them and watch them grow. But time is speeding up and I'm losing control.

Every mother reaches a point in their journey where they stop and think "What the heck is going on?" I thought that moment for me was when the doctor sat down in the delivery room and delivered a life-changing diagnosis. To hear those incredibly terrifying words come out of his mouth made my heart plummet and made tumultuous thoughts fill my head. I was so angry in that moment and the only thing I could think was "I don't want THIS life."  But it's the life I was given and it's the life I would choose over and over again.

The days are long but the years are short.

That moment wasn't my what-the-heck moment, though. I'm currently experiencing my what-the-heck moment.  In the span of 4 weeks, my baby girl will turn 5, my BABY will turn 3, my oldest child will head into his last year of elementary school, my 5 year old will start Kindergarten and be away from me every day, and my sweet baby boy will start preschool which is a decision that I'm still struggling with. And I'm left standing here, thinking, "What. The. He$&?"

This motherhood gig is a tough one. It can be so frustrating and so incredibly rewarding at the same time. Thankfully the good outweighs the bad by far. There are so many moments when my family is together and I can't help but smile from all the joy and love that fills my soul and my heart literally feels like it will burst. I can't help but think that I will never be happier than I am at this very moment. I want to hold on to those moments as tight as I possibly can and never let go.

The next time I gaze up at that full moon, it will be hovering over the ocean. It will be Summer's last hurrah before the return to reality and the return of another school year. It will be the last moment of normalcy before life takes a drastic turn. I'm usually a glass half full kind of girl, but not right now. Not in this stage of my life.

Hold on tight, mamas. The days may feel long right now but it's only an incredibly short time frame in the story of your life. Enjoy the moment, live in the now and embrace every single beautiful and frustrating moment, because these are the moments that we will remember. These are the moments we will be wishing back in the not too distant future.

I definitely don't like this new reality and I don't like the feeling of time slipping rapidly through my fingers, but I will adjust. That's what mothers do. The truth is, motherhood is just a series of experiences that fall between full moons. Those full moons are just an indication of the passing of time, but what really matters is all the moments that fill up the days between.

Yes, the days pass by so quickly and the years pass by quicker than we could ever imagine, but the goal is to make each moment count! I want to be still. I want to enjoy the simple moments in life. I want to hold my four kids in my arms, close my eyes and pretend that they're still my tiny babies instead of these big kids who are racing toward adulthood. I want to savor the now. Those years that passed by so rapidly were the best years of my life but the now is absolutely incredible. No matter how quickly life passes by, my four blessings will ALWAYS be my babies and I will always be eternally grateful for the gift of motherhood.


Let's Connect! 


  1. Oh girl I needed this one. I am also feeling all the feels right now too. I think it has something to do with summer coming to and end and both girls officially being in school in just a couple short weeks. I'm so thankful I'm not the only one in this place. This was a beautiful reminder.

    1. You're definitely not alone! It's tough to watch the seasons pass by so quickly because you know that you and your kids are just getting older with each passing day. I mean, that's the point, but it's tough!

  2. I loved this post so much!!! I am right there with you! Why do babies have to grow up!!!

  3. I completely agree! I love that saying but I feel like it should be that the days are short and the years are shorter as well! It never ceases to amaze me how fast the days go. It makes me so sad and I constantly yearn for time to slow down so I can enjoy every moment and stage of the kids.

    1. The days go by so quickly, don't they? I just want time to slow down!

  4. Definitely needed this one. We are approaching a big change this fall, too. Cash will start 4k, which will be his first time really away from me. He'll go 3 mornings a week for 3 days. Yes, he was in superhero camp, but I was there & if I wasn't , I was outside on a walk with another mom. I'm so excited for him because I know he will be fine. He needs this. Then at the end of that same week Cash starts school, my baby turns 1. I told Luke he should probably just not talk to me that week. ;) but in all seriousness, I never knew just quite how this motherhood thing would impact me, but honestly , I don't know what I was doing with my life before my boys. Thanks for this reminder today!

    1. It really is tough! I'll be thinking of you in the Fall. It's a hard transition, but just take comfort in all the cuddles with your sweet baby boy while he's at school! XOXO

  5. These pictures are PRECIOUS! And I totally agree with everything, it's just crazy!

  6. BELIEVE ME it doesn't ever end. More is required of you as a mom the older they get. This week alone I have held my oldest and her husband as they sobbed over the life-changing car accident of his younger brother. I have sat in the hospital while that same child had premature contractions and then took them the first of many meals now that she is on bed rest. And I have sat in the ER with my next oldest who wiped out on his longboard and broke his collarbone. They ALWAYS need their mama, even more so at times. And they give grand babies for us to love!! With them I still find myself thinking, "no, THIS is my favorite stage."

    1. I always love to read your comments, Nicole. I've looked up to you as role model mom since the moment I started reading your blog so many years ago! XOXO Praying for Kyndal and praying that your sweet grandson stays put for a few more weeks!

  7. Oh my goodness, I hear you! My oldest is headed to Kindergarten and I'm like what? Everyday at school? This is madness! Although he'll be in Kinder for less time then he was in preschool, which is weird to me, but at least it transitions them slowly to everyday school. Enjoy these last few carefree days of summer!

    1. I know!!! How can it be time for Kindergarten already? I hope you enjoy the rest of your Summer! XOXO

  8. I LOVE this and I wholeheartedly agree! I have two kids (and one on the way) and I already can't imagine how the days could get any shorter. I'm cherishing my time with them and tell them over and over that no matter how big they get, they will always be my babies. I know it's so far in the future, but I'm already dreading the day they're all grown and leave home, because if time keeps going this fast, it will be here before I know it...

    1. I dread it, too! I can't even think about that without getting upset. I used to laugh at the term Empty Nest, but it's so true! Best of luck to you with #3! XOXO

  9. Isn't it the truth though? I can't believe that Liam and Wells are almost 3 already! And Bennett is starting K and all the sudden I realize how much I will miss him in the afternoons. Momming is not easy, but you are one of the best!

    1. So are you, my friend! XOXO I can't believe Wells is going to be 3!

  10. Wow, just wow. So so beautifully written! This has so excited for all that is to come, and already mourning the days that we are currently in. It's so so hard for me to stay in the moment.

  11. Great post! I know just how you feel.

  12. Perfect timing with this post, Stef. Jacob is turning five on Saturday and he will head off to Kindergarten this fall and it is just blowing my mind every time I think about it. The saddest part for me is that I know that I'll never have another baby in the house again. Time is SUCH a thief, that's for sure.

    1. I completely understand about the never having another baby in the house again. It really is very bittersweet, isn't it? Happy Birthday to your sweet boy!

  13. Oh Stefanie, this is an amazing post and I completely agree. As a working mom with a long commute, I don’t get to spend nearly enough time with my little girl and it kills me. Unfortunately, I need (and want) to work. The days are just WAY too short. On weekdays, the time I do get to spend with Mila is always rushed. My quality time with her is also dinnertime and bathtime and bedtime. It’s sad and it’s hard. And I’m having all sorts of emotions of my baby girl turning 3 next week AND welcoming a new little one in a few short months. Time needs to slow down so I can enjoy everything a little bit more.

    1. I really wish it would slow down! I'm sure you must feel stretched so thin right now. XOXO Judging by the pictures I see you post, you are doing a fantastic job at making each moment count!


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