Our Five Ring Circus: January Leftovers

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

January Leftovers

January is always a blah month for me.  The excitement of the holiday season is over, and we're faced with the long, cold winter ahead.  This January, however, was extremely busy.  It was fun, and it flew by!

We kicked it off with a fun New Year's Eve/New Year's Day celebration, we celebrated many birthdays and went to a lot of birthday parties, Liam got really sick and ended up in the ER, we played in the snow, and I had a special night out with Lexie and Lily!  Other than the sickness, January wasn't so bad!

There were a lot of exciting moments that made the cut for things to blog about, but there were just as many awesome everyday moments!

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We cheered the Steelers on in the playoffs, but unfortunately, they lost.

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Lexie wrote and directed a play starring her siblings.

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We hung out together.


We snacked and warmed ourselves by the fire.

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SOMEONE learned how to reach the top of the dining room table and swipe food, which resulted in a huge mess! Good thing he's so cute!

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Elsa escaped the house and enjoyed the snow.


We had a dance party with our friends.


We got our beauty rest and played a lot!

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Someone decided that she has to make a funny face every time I pull out the camera!

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We learned new ways to hold our cups.

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We were silly.


We were cuddly.


The wee dude turned 17 months old!

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Cinderella became a new obsession.

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He made us smile...every single day!

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We did homework and practiced sign language.

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They tested our patience, but always quickly reverted back to their sweet selves.

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Lily traded in her Elsa braid for some Anna braids.


Bristle Blocks became the new favorite toy!  The entire family loves them!

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We lived, we loved, we rested...

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I have to say, the everyday moments are my favorite!

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  1. Your Elsa standing in the snow is such a cute picture!! I just love it. I also love the picture of all your kiddos in their football gear. Too cute!!

  2. What a sweet post! I love that your January was filled with family, just family and not all the craziness that can sometimes fill our lives.

    1. Thank you! It was filled with craziness, too, but mostly just them!
      Have a great weekend!

  3. Yay for everyday moments! I just love how you not only remember them but celebrate them. I just love this post!


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