Our Five Ring Circus: Wordful Wednesday: Baby In Action

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wordful Wednesday: Baby In Action

It absolutely amazes me how far ultrasounds have come in a few short years.

When I was pregnant with Dylan, all I took home from my ultrasound was a few black and white pictures. Two years later, we were able to see Lexie in 3D.

Fast forward 4 1/2 years...in addition to over 10 regular ultrasound pictures and a few 3D pictures, we left with a DVD of our baby in action!

The kids really enjoyed seeing little Nugget move around in my belly, and we're excited to share it with our family!

(This is a recording of the DVD, because I didn't want to share all my personal information that's on the top of the screen.)


  1. That is super sweet! I cannot wait to see how the new technology they have for ultrasounds! It amazes me!

  2. Isnt that amazing :) oh i love ultra sounds!

  3. That is so amazing! I'm so excited for you. :)

    I wish our hospital did that but we still have just the b&w photos.

  4. Wow I had no idea they give you a video!! IF I ever do become blessed again I wonder what they'll come out with then...maybe a free t-shirt with a ultra sound pic? LOL!

  5. Little Nugget is busy in there! Lots to do before hitting the outside world, I guess. So exciting!

  6. I wish I could get a 3d ultrasound. My office doesn't do them and I don't want to have to pay for one separately.

  7. That is so cool! I can't believe what we can see now.

  8. awesome!! thank you for sharing the video :D I love how cute the baby's little hand is and he/she seems very active!

  9. There's something so magical about seeing your baby on that screen!! We were able to get videos of both Buddy and Buster (VHS tapes). It was so cool. I've never seen them in 3d/4d though.

  10. I LOVE ultra sounds!!! It was amazing to see our babies moving around like that while I was pregnant - made it really seem like such a miracle!!!

  11. Awesome! 4D ultrasounds are so much fun! Both of my kids were total stinkers and had their hands in front of their faces when we did ours. Bryce was so bad about it that they actually let me come back and do a free one since we couldn't see his face at all in the first one. Stinker!

  12. oh gosh! your little nugget is so busy moving inside you! how cute!

  13. Wow I have missed a lot!! Congrats! That is awesome that you got a video, so beautiful!!

  14. Awwwww. So cool! I noticed big quality changes in the ultrasounds with my kids too. They're always advancing.


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