Our Five Ring Circus: 19 Weeks and Ultrasound

Monday, March 14, 2011

19 Weeks and Ultrasound

Meet Nugget!


We were so excited to see our baby this morning! Nugget is healthy and growing well, measuring right in the normal 19 week range. Our sweet little baby is so active! Nugget did not stop moving throughout the entire ultrasound. Nugget's mouth was constantly opening and closing, almost as if he/she was talking, and Nugget kept putting the fingers in the mouth, sucking the thumb, grabbing the nose, and grabbing the feet. It was so cute!

It's a good thing we didn't want to find out, because the ultrasound tech had a difficult time telling what the baby was! After looking several times (our heads were turned), she said she had an idea of what it was, but wasn't certain. The heartbeat was 158 today.

It was so wonderful to see our baby. I am so in love with him/her, and the pregnancy finally seems real! I'm so relieved that I'm growing a happy, healthy, active baby!

3D ultrasound of face:


Profile with mouth open:


Profile and hand:


Side view:


March 14, 2011

How far along:
19 weeks

Total Weight Gained:
All loss so far.

How big is baby? Nugget is 6 inches from crown to rump and weighs 8 1/2 ounces! He/She is about the size of a large heirloom tomato.

How baby is growing: Nugget's brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that he/she may be able to hear my voice now. The hair on his/her scalp is sprouting. babycenter.com

Maternity Clothes: My regular clothes are still loose.

Sleep: I'm still sleeping really well!

Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week:
Seeing Nugget move around at the ultrasound, and feeling those first kicks! I'm in love!

: On Friday, Grant and I both felt the first kicks from the outside! It was such an amazing feeling! Today, we saw that Nugget likes to brace his/her feet against my uterus, and then push off.

Food Cravings: None, but when I do eat, I prefer sweets.

Food Aversions:
I'm still just eating because I have to! Everything still seems so gross to me.

Morning Sickness:
I still have hyperemesis. It was bad with Dylan and Lexie, but this time is definitely worse!

We didn't find out! We've had the names picked out since December.

Nausea morning to night, gagging, vomiting, constant headaches, and round ligament pain.

Exercise: I took another break last week due to the stomach virus, but started back up today. The doctor allowed me to continue for now, but said no more running!

What I miss:
Feeling completely normal!

What I'm looking forward to:
Feeling those kicks get stronger.

19 Week Picture:

Still not much of a bump, but definitely getting bigger!



  1. So exciting! What awesome ultrasound pictures!

  2. Awwwwww. What a cutie. I don't know how you have the patience to wait! I'm so impressed!

  3. weeehhh! so cute! im so excited for you sissy! it is always fun to view US photos :)

  4. Love the baby pics, esp the 3d/4d so cute!

  5. but I want to know what you are having ha ha :) So glad you had a great ultra sound :)

  6. I'm so glad nugget is healthy and well! Love the pics.

  7. Looks like a boy profile to me. However, what the ultrasound tech said makes it sound like a girl. Usually when it's a boy, it's obvoius. Then again, she could have been just trying to throw you off... :)

  8. Great pics! Glad the baby is healthy and good.

  9. So happy for you! What precious pics. of your baby to be.

  10. Awhhh yea!! :) Looks like in one of the pics Nugget is doing a peace sign. XOXO

  11. How exciting! I still can't even tell your preggers and your already half way done.

  12. awww what a cute little baby.

  13. Those are great u/s pictures!! I am impressed at your determination to not find out the sex! I couldn't wait.

  14. I love that you don't find out! We didn't, either. It's so much more fun that way!

  15. How do you do it? How do you manage to look equally adorable in every photo?

    Your baby is so cute in there doing all those things. I adore seeing that profile of your little thumb sucker. :)

  16. Look at that little cutie!!!!! SO EXCITING!!!

    Be sure to stop by my blog all week for all the fun baby/mom giveaways
    It's a week of giveaways on A Taste of T

  17. You look adorable! Love the sono pics!

  18. So sweet! I can't believe you can wait to find out! There's no way I would be able to do it. You look fabulous for 19 weeks.

  19. I love all the u/s photos! It's so exciting to see them. I love looking back at Aidyn's and seeing how much he actually looks like his profile pics.

    Hope you start feeling better soon!

  20. Nugget is no longer a nugget! Can't wait to meet him or her <3

  21. Wow, I would not want to be throwing up every day, that would be awful, but you can't even tell you're pregnant! On my second pregnancy I poped so much quicker than the firsty time. i hope the sickness goes away soon!

  22. 19 weeks and your regular clothes are LOOSE!?!? I would say I'm jealous (because I was a complete cow by 19 weeks), but I know that hyperemesis is no fun. I had all day nausea through most of my pregnancy with Bryce...and that was bad enough...I can't imagine it being any worse. You look great though!

    I don't know how you are doing it not finding out the baby's sex. I'm such a planner, so that would never happen in my house. ;-)

  23. It's so neat seeing his/her picture! I'm sorry you are feeling so bad and working so hard to get calories in. You can do it girl! XO


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