Oh, Amazon Prime! It's no wonder so many people are fans. Their selection, pricing, and super fast shipping speed can't be beat! Amazon took over my household, and they're pretty much taking over the world!
We're big Amazon Prime fans! We buy so much from them on a monthly basis - gifts and necessities. I even use Amazon as my "store" of choice when I'm running low on a household item and don't want to drag 5 kids to an actual store!
We bought 21 things from Amazon in June, but I'm not going to list them all. Some of them were wedding gifts off of an Amazon registry, some of them were gifts for friends and family, and I have no business or interest in discussing the blade attachment my husband bought for our weed wacker! (Just keeping it real.)
Check out the Amazon Prime purchases I made in June, and keep reading to find out an awesome way to save if you are a special needs family...
40 Velvet Hair Scrunchies - $8.99
Why didn't I save my 100+ scrunchie collection from my childhood?!? Oh wait...because I never thought they would come back! But much to my surprise, they are trendy again, and my girls LOVE them. So obviously we bought them in every single color! (These also come with a storage bag.)
50,000 Water Beads - $6.99
Who doesn't need 50,000 Water Beads? This little jug is tiny, but a little goes a long way. I only used a few teaspoons to make our last sensory bin.
Giggleway Electric Motor Robotic Science Kits - $23.99
My kids love their STEAM program at school (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math). Lexie loves STEAM/STEM kits, and was so excited to try this one at home! It makes three different robots that move, and the kits include everything you need to make the three robots, with the exception of batteries. I have to say, the little robots are really cute. I especially love the doodling robot! If you have a little learner over the age of 8, I highly recommend this kit. (It was fun for me, too!)
If you would like to purchase this kit, use the claim code ZR4MQCHF to save 10%! The code is good through 7/18/2019 at 11:59 PM PDT.
Mesh Water Sling - $16.99
It's no secret that I love babywearing, and it's Coen's preferred method of transportation. I swear, all the hours I spent walking when I was pregnant completely spoiled him. He wants to be attached to me at all times! I saw this mesh water sling in a breastfeeding subscription box, so I immediately jumped on Amazon, and found it there for less than $20. SOLD!
It's actually my first ring sling. It took a few minutes to get it right, but after that it's so quick and easy to use, and pretty comfortable, too. I love the fact that I can wade in a pool with him Coen attached to me, and it's very handy at the spray park, considering my kids love to spray me when I'm not looking! Plus, it folds up into a handy tote. It's now my go-to Summer carrier!
Screen Protector for iPad mini - $4.99
Our iPad mini is ancient, and it has been used by 3 kids. It now belongs to Liam, and he has stepped on it, thrown it, and made his toys tap dance on it. Then the screen protector peeled off, and wouldn't you know it...the screen cracked in the TWO days it took for a new one to arrive from Amazon. I'm not buying him a new one, so we quickly applied the new screen protector. Even though one side of the screen is splintered, I'm hopeful that no new splinters or cracks will show up!
Evenflo Pivot Xpand Modular Stroller Second Seat - $99.89 (was less when I bought it)
My family in Texas bought us the awesome Evenflo Pivot Xpand Modular Stroller for the boys before Coen was born. I love it so much! The seating options are endless, and the basket underneath is massive! The system came with a seat that converts from a bassinet to a toddler seat, and an infant car seat and base. Right now, I attach the car seat to the stroller, and put Liam in the toddler seat, but we needed to purchase a second seat for when Coen gets older. If you're in the market for a versatile stroller, this one is it. It easily converts from a single to a double and back, and you can even purchase a scooter board to attach to the back for a third child to stand on!
Skip Hop 3-Stage Activity Center - $103.99 (was less when I bought it)
Coen is now 4 months, and incredibly active! He loves to stand, so I knew it was time to get him an activity table. I'm a big fan of baby items that grow with the child, and this one does just that. It goes from an infant activity center, to an activity table an older baby/toddler can cruise around to an actual table. The platform becomes a chalkboard, and you can purchase an additonal set of chairs to go with it! Thanks to Grant's boss for the gift card that was used to purchase it! Coen loves it!
All-New Fire 7 Tablet - $29.99
Lily officially stole my big iPad that's in a keyboard case, and I want it back! My mom wanted to get her a kindle for her upcoming birthday, so when I spotted this AMAZING Amazon Prime Day deal, I immediately bought it for her. We're going to add a shock-proof case, and she can Minecraft to her heart's content on her OWN device!
Okay, so here's the Amazon tip I want to share with you...
An Amazon Prime membership is ABSOLUTELY worth it, and if you have Medicaid or EBT, you can get a discounted membership! So many people don't know this, and it is such a big help, especially for families who have a differently abled relative living with them. You can find out more information, and apply HERE.
I don't know anything about EBT, but let's get real for a second...a very common misconception about people who have special needs is that they automatically get money every single month from the government. So many of my personal friends and family members thought Liam received money every month! This is not true in any way - SSI for children who have a disability (and adults who have a disability) is income based. In order to quality, you can not make more than $2000 a month, or have more than $2000 in savings. That's REALLY low, right?!? That also means that we cannot save any money for our son's future unless we get a special ABLE account, because it will keep him from receiving financial benefits as an adult if he needs them. However, having a disability is usually an automatic qualification for Medicaid as primary or secondary insurance in most states. So, yes, we do use Medicaid, because copays alone for all of his therapies would bury us in debt, and we did finally sign up for a discounted membership last month! (Thanks, Amazon!)
Are you an Amazon Prime member? Tell me what you bought recently!
That is awesome about Amazon! I never knew that!
ReplyDeleteI had a mesh ring sling with Simon and loved it!
ReplyDeleteOoh lots of fun things! I used to love scrunchies growing up, and the velvet ones are the best. I didn't keep mine either but I kind of want to get some! That mesh carrier is such a cool idea for the summer!
That is such a great tip about Amazon for those on disability. My mom was on SSI disability and we had to be sor careful about what assets she had and how she spent her money. Great Amazon finds. I love those glass screen protectors. Have a wonderful week!
ReplyDeleteI had no idea Amazon had a discounts for those with special needs; what a great idea! I wish I had kept even 1/2 of my scrunchies.. I had so so many because I started making them myself. It was so quick and simple and my mom always had fabric scraps leftover from her sewing projects.
ReplyDeleteI love the tip at the end. I need the scoop thing for my girls water beads. That is a cool feature. I just bought a kindle reader from the sale. I LOVED scrunchies growing up and I am digging the velvet ones!
ReplyDeleteI always love seeing what everyone buys on Amazon! So many scrunchies and such a great deal! I never thought they'd come back either!
ReplyDeleteJill - Doused in Pink
Amazon is heaven for shopping. It is my love. I get coupons from them all the time and they always have great deals when I come in. I often get great deals like 20 off amazon order, free shipping. It’s wonderful! I love saving money, and it’s already helping me to save even more. My best saving so far was the day that I spent $149.00 but saved 84%!!!