Our Five Ring Circus: Ringing in 2018!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Ringing in 2018!

The Lucky Few

Happy New Year, my friends! I can't believe it's officially 2018. I remember ringing in Y2K with Grant, and here we are, 18 years later!!!

I'm not a huge fan of New Year's Eve, but over the past few years, we have been ringing in the new year with our friends. This year, we had a fun (and comfortable) theme: A pajama party! 

Grant got the perfect pair of pajamas for Christmas from Lily, so we decided to that one piece pajamas were going to be our family theme! But nothing...and I mean NOTHING...could top the flying rainbow unicorn pajamas Lily insisted on buying for her dad.  I mean...

Unicorn Pajamas

unicorn pajamas

And in case you're wondering why, it's just so Lily could match her daddy! Will he ever wear them again? Doubtful!

Father and Daughter

I couldn't possibly let Grant go out looking like that alone, so I did some shopping. Yes, kids. These ARE your parents!

New Year's Eve Pajama Party

New Year's Eve

I wanted to enjoy New Year's Eve with my family and friends, so I decided to put away my camera and live in the moment! It was a fun, relaxing night with some of our favorite people. We talked, laughed, and ate a ton of food, and we happily rang in the new year together. 

Even though I don't love New Year's Eve, I'm glad I got to spend it with the 5 people I love with all my heart and soul. You know what they say...the family who wears dorky pajamas together stays together...or something like that!


We didn't head home until 3 AM. Our kids are party animals when given the chance! We only live 5 minutes away from our friend's house, but it was the coldest drive I can remember...

Cold Weather

It was painfully cold! I don't think it ever went below zero last winter. We don't see temperatures like that often, so it has to be documented when it happens! Of course, we were thrilled to get home to our very warm house. The kids went to bed immediately, but I consumed way too much caffeine, and it took a while before I could fall asleep!

As for New Year's Day, this was the first year we didn't do anything to celebrate! We usually have dinner with family or eat Chinese takeout with our friends, but we just wanted to have a lazy day.  We didn't leave the house, and we stayed in pajamas all day. It was exactly what we needed after an incredibly busy 2017!


Tomorrow we return to reality. (Does Christmas Break really have to end?) Here's to a healthy, happy, prosperous 2018!

How did you ring in the New Year? 


  1. Fabulous jammies! And I really want the ones your husband has! Perfect! Wishing you a very happy new year filled with so many blessings!


  2. Baha ha! I LOVE your jammies. I cant believe y'all stayed until 3am! I thought our 1am was late :P. I am just SO thankful the girls slept in the next day. That is SO cold. It has bee in the negatives here lately too. Bbbbrrrrr!!!!

    1. We're party animals...only not...because we don't drink! I had such a hard time falling asleep once we got home, too. I hope you're staying warm!

  3. Sounds like a fun time. It's been cold here too and I've never seen my thermometer hit the negatives before yesterday!

  4. Happy New Year! You guys had the right idea with a pajama party. I couldn’t imagine ringing in the new year any other way. Ha! I am dying over the unicorn onesie! He is wearing it proud. Mason is a total party animal as well and made it until well after 2. He may or may not have slept until 11:30 the next day.

  5. I love your jammy theme for New Year's Eve/Day. You guys are just the cutest! We didn't do anything special for New Year's Day either. In fact, we're all sick for the New Year! Lewie had a fever this evening, so he'll be out of school for two or maybe three days. Happy 2018, my friend!!

  6. Oh my gosh! Your husband and those pjs! What a trooper! So funny! I think every party should be pajamas optional. Ha! We spent NYE with the kiddos, as well and didn't do much of anything on January 1st. It was awesome and I kind of want to refuse real clothes and to continue to wear my robe every single day. Happy New Year, friend!

    1. I'm so glad you had a relaxing New Year's Day, too. It just might be our new tradition!

  7. How fun! Love the PJ's!! Happy New Year!

  8. It's been super cold here too. Yuck!
    Love, love, love that the family all went in for the cool PJs. I really like that Jack Skellington one.


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