Our Five Ring Circus: Snip Snip

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Snip Snip

Lily celebrated turning 4 weeks old today by getting her tongue snipped.

Her version of the story:

Hey peeps! Let me just tell you about the day I had! I'm still recovering from it.


My parents totally fooled me. They woke me up from a sound sleep and took me for a car ride, without feeding me first. After a long wait, they put me on a table with crinkly paper. I was thoroughly fascinated by the lights, and was just relaxing and smiling when the doctor and nurse came in.


My mommy and daddy got kicked out of the room and something terrible happened. I screamed with all my might, but soon found my way back into my mommy and daddy's arms. Just look what they did:


It was already bad enough that I'm suffering from heat rash...


I sure showed them though. I slept all day long. I had to recover from that horror.


I clutched my blankie for extra protection.


Hours later, I'm still ticked off. Seriously.


But I think it's pretty cool that I can do this now:


Psst...change my diaper...it's full and falling off of me! Oh, and vacuum that rug!

Okay, moving on...I'm not all that happy with the way my morning turned out.


Thank goodness I'll recover fast!


*****Mommy's note: I cried right along with you, baby girl! You will feel better in the morning! Happy 4 weeks, Liliana!


  1. Super cutie post! Glad it wasn't too bad!!

    I have a chatty 11 year old who recovered just fine. ;)


  2. LOVE that last picture...sweet baby girl had a rough day, and Mommy too :(

    Glad all is okay and you're enjoying that precious addition!!!

  3. She is soooooooooooooo cute!! Look at that round tummy! Glad her procedure is over and went well.

  4. Awww. Poor sweet girl! Not too sore for the bink? That's good!

  5. Awh!I'm glad it's done for both of you!!!

  6. Awhh poor little girl! Hope she does much better today.

  7. What a trooper! Hope that solves the feeding issue! I would be crying too!

  8. We had that same experience when we took Eli for his circumcision. He had a low birth weight, so they wanted him to wait a couple of weeks. Same scenario as you. It was as horrible for me as it was for him. (Well, maybe not.)

    Glad that is over for you! She is precious! She already looks so BIG!

  9. Aww!! Poor Lily! I would have totally cried too. :-(

  10. Oh gosh, that must've been hard. Glad it's all over with. She is beautiful!

  11. I would have cried too! I'm glad it's all behind you now. :)

  12. Love the post! But of course not what happened to Lily! But great job baby girl for overcoming that one :) You will recover in no time!


  13. Awe, poor sweet pea! Glad it's over and that she'll never have to go through that again. I know it's so tough to see them cry like that...you probably need a bubble bath and a glass of wine.

    **I see pictures today! Whoo hoo! She's gorgeous! Gotta love a little girl in pink :)

  14. Aw what a cute post!
    Sorry you had such a rough day pretty girl, but I can only imagine how thankful you will be that it is taken care of now! =)

  15. How gorgeous is she!! I can't believe she is 4 weeks and I haven't even been here to check her out. I'm so sorry!

  16. Those eyes are hilarious! Poor Lily - but she could not be any cuter!!!

  17. Awww, poor little thing. I can't believe she's four weeks old already. Time sure does fly.


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