Our Five Ring Circus: Knockout!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012



Dylan has had several traumatizing experiences with losing teeth. I can't blame him for getting freaked out. Three of his six lost teeth have been knocked out!

Last night was no exception. He had a loose tooth that was not quite ready to come out yet, but would soon. While playing with my mom, she reached out to grab him, and instead, punched him in the mouth. An insane amount of blood began gushing out of his mouth, along with the tooth.

After a lot of screaming, a dose of tylenol, and a search for the lost tooth, peace was restored.

AND he woke up $2 richer this morning.


He is, however, quite concerned over the fact that he can't bite into an apple.


  1. hahahahhaa!

    That's hysterical that your mom punched in him the face!

    Glad he's ok and yay for the tooth fairy!

  2. Oh man! What a trooper, glad he's still in such good spirits about it!

  3. Oh my goodness! Your kiddos are PRECIOUS!! I love checking in to see what they are up to.

  4. Oh my goodness! Your kiddos are PRECIOUS!!!

  5. You are the meanest mom ever!...just kidding...

  6. So cute with his teeth gone! And funny that he's worried about eating an apple :)

  7. Poor guy.. I hope he got something good from the tooth fairy or your mom. LOL.

  8. Oh my goodness- coming from a dentist, I can say wow- I have never heard of a kid losing that much teeth from trauma. Hugs to him. But on the plus side, he is so wicked cute and he got money from the tooth fairy!

  9. awww poor D....he still looks so excited...

  10. Oh, your poor mom must have felt terrible! Glad he is okay :)

  11. Omg that's so funny! Austin also just lost another tooth and he has no clue where it went! He was playing with friends and came home toothless lol

  12. Well, he is adorable, but what a way to get those teeth out! Poor guy!

  13. He looks so cute without his teeth! I knocked out my friend's daughters tooth and she cried so hard. I felt terrible.

  14. I love when they're toothless like that! But it sounds hilarious to say that your mom punched him in the mouth. What a funny story to tell through the years!

  15. What a cutie pic...teeth or no teeth :D


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